
LASER | 8207 Timing Belt Checking Gauge for PSA

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Codice B09QT5PNSX
EAN 5018341082079
Classifica 164° in Cinghie di distribuzione per auto
Amazon Bestseller di cinghie di distribuzione per auto
Marca Laser Tools
Produttore Laser
Prezzo medio su Internet

20,24 €


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Descrizione Prodotto | Info by Amazon

For use on PSA Group vehicles, including: Citroën, DS and Peugeot; also Vauxhall/Opel models.

Engine applications include: EB0 1.0L and EB2 1.2L 3 cylinder wet belted engines. Equivalent to OEM tool numbers G-0109-6 and EN-52809.

Used to check the belt tension, swelling and general condition prior to engine stripping and belt replacement; use in accordance with OEM instructions.

For belt replacement, use Laser Engine Timing Kit, Part No. 6200.

Made in Sheffield.

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