
BENRO | Master 100x150mm Glass Soft GND 5 stop

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Migliori offerte per Benro MAGND32S1015. Scopri il miglior prezzo e decidi se acquistare ONLINE o in uno dei negozi da noi selezionati.

Codice B073GNM469
EAN 6931747329922
Classifica 51° in Filtri di illuminazione
Amazon Bestseller di filtri di illuminazione
Marca Benro
Produttore Benro
Prezzo medio su Internet

115,76 €


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Descrizione Prodotto | Info by Amazon

Made with schott b270 german optical glass, the finest available, precisely ground to ensure brilliantly sharp images with no ghosting

Hardened glass makes this filter twice as strong as similar filters without hardened glass

Ulca multi-coating decreases flare and significantly reduces chromatic aberration (average transmission 99.0% 420-680nm)

Nano wmc multi-coating is scratch resistant and repels water, dirt and oil from smudges and fingerprints, making the filter easy to clean

Irnd coating helps maintain faithful color rendition by eliminating blue or warm color shifts caused by unwanted infrared and uv light

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