
PETZL | E99AAA Actik Torcia a Mano LED Nero Unisex Adulto Schwarz Taglia Unica

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Migliori offerte per PETZL E99AAA. Scopri il miglior prezzo e decidi se acquistare ONLINE o in uno dei negozi da noi selezionati.

EAN 5697020020832
Classifica 12° in Lampade da testa da campeggio
Amazon Bestseller di lampade da testa da campeggio
Marca Petzl
Produttore PETZL
Prezzo medio su Internet

35,80 €


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Descrizione Prodotto | Info by Amazon

Powerful (300 lumens), versatile headlamp

Two beam patterns (wide or mixed) and several lighting modes meet the need for high-performance lighting in outdoor activities: proximity or distance vision and rapid movement

Long burn time

Red lighting preserves night vision and keeps from blinding other members of the group

Reflective headband helps you to be seen when a light is shone on it, and is equipped with an emergency whistle for rescue situations

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