
SMART POTS | 20 Gallon Smart Pot Soft Sided Container Black

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Migliori offerte per Smart Pots 10020. Scopri il miglior prezzo e decidi se acquistare ONLINE o in uno dei negozi da noi selezionati.

Codice B0055E85OO
EAN 0791090259118
Classifica 52° in Sacchi per piante
Amazon Bestseller di sacchi per piante
Marca Hydrofarm
Produttore Smart Pots
Prezzo medio su Internet

12,59 €


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Descrizione Prodotto | Info by Amazon

Soft-sided fabric aeration container that has the rigidity to hold its shape

Provides aeration, enhancing root structure, resulting in a vigorous plant with more flowers and fruits and increased insect and disease resistance

Allows excess heat to escape

Developed for, and used by commercial tree growers

20 Gallon capacity; 20 inch diameter x 15.5 inch height

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