
DOG MATE | Petmate Cane Mate Grande Cane Porta Marrone

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Migliori offerte per Dog Mate 216B. Scopri il miglior prezzo e decidi se acquistare ONLINE o in uno dei negozi da noi selezionati.

Codice B0006G5QG6
EAN 0035368202162
Classifica 94° in Porte per cani
Amazon Bestseller di porte per cani
Marca Pet Mate
Produttore Dog Mate
Prezzo medio su Internet

76,01 €


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Descrizione Prodotto | Info by Amazon

Large Dog Door Brown. Dog Mate Dog Doors are suitable for a wide range of dog breeds. Features robust locking panel for security. Fully brush sealed with magnetic closure for weatherproofing. Suitable for Labradors, German Shepherds and other large dogs

to 630mm shoulder height. Silent action will not frighten pets or disturb owners. The brush sealed flap with magnetic closure ensures a draftproof, weatherproof seal.

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